Explorer Software was able to take part in a special opportunity with Honour House to volunteer at their new venture called Honour Ranch.
Honour House was created to provide a free of charge, temporary home for members of the Canadian Armed Forces, Veterans, Emergency Services Personnel, and their families while they receive treatment and medical care in the Metro Vancouver area. The housing provides a comfortable and quiet place for guests to recuperate without worrying about the financial burden caused by needing to leave home to receive treatment.

The Honour House Society has expanded the access to help they are able to provide their guests through Honour Ranch. Located 10 kilometers south of Ashcroft, BC on a stunning 120-acre property, the Honour Ranch cabins and family-style lodge can help guests discover cutting edge treatments while serving as a safe haven away from environmental stress associated with population dense cities.
The necessary shutdown during COVID gave volunteers, including Explorer Software’s President Carmen Greene, the chance to spend time working on the property: building and painting fences, cleaning and setting up the cabins for guests, updating the main lodge kitchen, dining, and living areas, organizing the storage sheds, and doing some landscape work
Honour Ranch, like Honour House, receives no direct funding and relies instead on donations and fundraising to meet its operational costs to provide their life-changing services to the brave men and women in uniform.

We were honoured to participate in this volunteer opportunity, along with Explorer Software’s Canadian Health Benefits provider, Pacific Blue Cross and other friends.
Visit the Honour House Society to learn more about how they have donated over 11,000 nights of accommodation to their guests and how you can donate to help the recovery for our Canadian Armed Forces, Veterans, Emergency Services Personnel, and their families.