Improve Visibility Across Your Operations

Construction inventory management can be cumbersome. Construction companies must handle many types of materials and inventory, managing purchase, delivery, and warehousing while keeping an eye on fluctuating costs. Our construction management software provides data that helps you track and manage your inventory and materials so that your jobs are completed on budget.  

Materials HandlingAutomate and Streamline your Road Operations 

If you run a company that produces aggregates and asphalt, our construction materials handling module allows you to run a scale house, and it will handle everything from creating a scale ticket to issuing an invoice so all you have to do is set it up once.  

  • Simple data entry screen for quick processing of trucks on a scale to issue a scale ticket. 

  • Real timeupdates. 

  • Schedule orders based on production capacity. 

Female project manager smiling after reviewing her construction inventory on a construction site - outdoor at sunset

Materials HandlingAutomate and Streamline your Road Operations 

If you run a company that produces aggregates and asphalt, our construction materials handling module allows you to run a scale house, and it will handle everything from creating a scale ticket to issuing an invoice so all you have to do is set it up once.  

  • Simple data entry screen for quick processing of trucks on a scale to issue a scale ticket. 

  • Real timeupdates. 

  • Schedule orders based on production capacity. 

Female project manager smiling after reviewing her construction inventory on a construction site - outdoor at sunset

Inventory ManagementBetter Control Means Better Results 

If you want to maintain control of your inventory you need accurate, up-to-date oversight over materials and equipment parts, and the data needs to be adjusted as values change. Our construction inventory management module lets you see where your construction materials areat a glance, so you don’t have to scramble for parts or worry about discrepancies. 

  • Manage your inventory of internal materials and repair parts. 

  • Show quantities on hand, on order, on reserve, and on backorder. 

  • View the value of your inventory, based on average or current cost at the time of purchase or adjustment, or use standard costing instead. 

  • Integrates with Sales Orders module for wholesale or retail counter sales.

Inventory ManagementBetter Control Means Better Results 

If you want to maintain control of your inventory you need accurate, up-to-date oversight over materials and equipment parts, and the data needs to be adjusted as values change. Our construction inventory management module lets you see where your construction materials areat a glance, so you don’t have to scramble for parts or worry about discrepancies. 

  • Manage your inventory of internal materials and repair parts. 

  • Show quantities on hand, on order, on reserve, and on backorder. 

  • View the value of your inventory, based on average or current cost at the time of purchase or adjustment, or use standard costing instead. 

  • Integrates with Sales Orders module for wholesale or retail counter sales.

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Ultimate Control of your Construction Business

We bring your data and your people together on one easy-to-use platform so you can make informed decisions your whole team can get behind. Best of all, there’s no technical expertise required.

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confident project manager smiling on a job site
confident project manager smiling on a job site

Ultimate Control of your Construction Business

We bring your data and your people together on one easy-to-use platform so you can make informed decisions your whole team can get behind. Best of all, there’s no technical expertise required.

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